From the Concept to the Validated and Certified Complete WTG
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Customised Solutions - from professionally specialised Engineers
windwise offers comprehensive engineering services - always with a focus on WINDENERGY.
We are your contact for old and new wind turbine generator technologies, grid integration, wind farm management and continued operating reports.
With our decades of expertise "in wind", we answer your questions about the performance and reliability of your wind turbine generator, offer 2nd level support for fault analysis, consider possibilities for increasing profits, support and accompany, also on your premises, e.g. in the event of a necessary component replacement, present suitable retrofit solutions and evaluate alternative strategies.
windwise offers its customers comprehensive support in project planning for the realisation of a wind turbine or even a wind farm project, from the planning application to the construction of the wind turbine generator(s) - we support you in the realisation of your project idea.
With the design of the maxcap, windwise is developing a wind turbine for low wind areas with an increased capacity factor.
maxcap is characterised by the combination of a large rotor and a comparatively small generator in the 2.5 MW class. This is a new technology that generates a comparatively higher contribution margin, especially when electricity prices fluctuate.
Our software engineers have many years of experience in the process optimisation of a wind turbine generator. With maxcap, we rely on an efficient SCADA software solution. The modular structure enables adaptation to individual requirements.
windwise has developed its own inverter technology in the maxcap project. The new technology has been tested under extreme conditions at the CWD in Aachen. We are proud of our new development - the maxcap technology passed the tests with bravura!
windwise - We give comprehensive Support...
Development and Validation of Subfunctions, Subsystems
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Ideengeber & Zuverlässigkeit & Lebensdauer & Cost out
Simulation is about creating the digital twin of a WTG or a component in order to develop new wind turbine generators and components, to test them for reliability and stability, to determine the lifetime of wind turbine generators and components and, last but not least, to validate potentials in design change management.
To model such calculations, windwise engineers use the Flex5 aeroelastic simulation software.
With Flex5 and their many years of experience in the wind industry, the windwise engineers offer a wide-ranging simulation portfolio - always flexible and individually adapted.
In addition to multi-body simulation in mesh construction, simulation with Flex5 also plays a major role in the lifetime 20+ operating reports that windwise has already prepared for many turbine and wind farm operators.
Wind turbine generators in the 600 kwh turbine class require current proof of stability for continued operation after 20 years.
Especially for this verification, Flex5 can be used to calculate the potential for continued operation, taking into account the actual damage (wear), individually for each wind turbine generator.
Along with many other European countries, Germany also wants to be independent in energy supply in the future. "The real path to energy independence is to phase out fossil fuels. The sun and the wind belong to no one," said Habeck.
In recent requests for simulations, we have noticed a trend towards digital performance for new turbine developments in the low wind range.
Especially the simulation requests of wind turbines with a hub height >100m combined with a rotor diameter >200m can be safely placed in the current context of "energy procurement at home".
windwise has developed the maxcap WTG as the first wind turbine generator for a low wind area. The maxcap WTG is characterised in particular by the combination of a relatively large rotor with a cost-optimised generator from the 2.5 MW class. This combination is currently unique on the market.
Valuable experience from past simulation calculations for maxcap technology is already being used by our engineers for further new turbine developments - both for onshore and offshore WTGs.
...and if windwise engineers can contribute to more independence in the European energy supply with the new development of low wind turbine generators - than we will do it with conviction!
A wide Simulation Portfolio
with Flex5 + many Years of Expertise in the Wind Industry
Intelligent Design Solutions with Solidworks
Each wind turbine generator must be adapted to the corresponding location. During its lifetime, there will be a wide variety of legal and climatic changes for which adjustments of a design-engineering nature will be necessary.
A challenge that is part of the daily business for our windwise engineers.
In addition to their professional qualifications, they always live up to their own claim here: to combine intelligent solutions with cost-effective design.
With SolidWorks, our CAD engineers use software that provides optimum conditions for the rapid implementation of their own ideas into the final product.
The most recent example of a legal adaptation for wind turbine generators is the demand-based night-time labelling.
Mostly older wind turbine generators have to be retrofitted with BNK. These systems are designed very differently and require type-specific solutions.
In addition to integration into the electrical network, adjustments to the hardware, for example for the installation of network cabling, are usually necessary.
The particular diversity of wind turbine genrators requires a high level of expertise in order to provide quality and cost-effective design proposals.
The specialisation of our engineers in the field of wind energy enables 3D constructions with a high level of practical relevance for every component of a WTG.
This always involves a holistic approach: in addition to all the components of a wind turbine generator, starting with the bearings to the drive train, the nacelle and the hub, they design the connection to the fundament and the tower, and last but not least also take into account the transport and also the route and location planning.
For the installation of a wind turbine in the field, our engineers not only supply the finished part drawings and the parts lists, but also prepare the corresponding documentation and work instructions. On customer request, local support is also possible.
windwise Engineers - Specialists for Wind Turbine Generators
Modern Planning, Design and Manufacturing with EPlan
Multi-megawatt wind turbine generators are always an interaction of mechanical components and the associated electrical control equipment.
With their wind-specific know-how, our electrical engineers offer a wide range of professional services in the field of electrical design for wind turbine generators.
The portfolio includes detailed specifications for all electrical components of a wind turbine generator - from generator to transformer - from azimuth to pitch system.
Circuit diagrams for the electrical cabinets complete the design range.
The electrotechnical construction is always carried out according to the DNVGL guideline as well as the European standards and IEC standards.
As our wind turbine generators are installed all over the world, we are familiar with the adoption of local peculiarities and standards.
We always deliver our electrical documentation in English and, on request, also in the respective national language.
The electrical constructions are implemented with Eplan.
The use of Eplan enables the digitalisation of circuit diagrams for complete and efficient turbine documentation. The integrated revision management and the standardised and individual ERP and PLM/PDM interfaces ensure consistent data along the entire value chain.
Electrical and mechanical engineers work closely together in the windwise engineering team.
Short communication paths save time, minimise construction effort and guarantee functional results for the customer
and offer overall support.
Construction Solutions - Electrical and Mechanical
An optimal Connection - with windwise Everything under One Roof
Software Engineering
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Develop - Expand - Optimise Modern WTG Controls
The abbreviation SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Companies use SCADA systems to control their turbines across locations and to collect and record data about their operation.
With SCADA systems, a company can control its industrial processes both locally and remotely. Companies can use real-time data to monitor and document their processes.
With SCADA, interaction with all components such as motors, pumps and sensors becomes possible.
In the energy industry, SCADA can be used to reduce the power consumption of certain motors or systems when, for example, a load peak is looming. This increases efficiency and optimises process control.
The windwise software engineers are convinced of the efficiency of the SCADA systems for any type of wind turbine generator.
A SCADA system not only enables a wind farm operator to engineer effectively, but also saves time and money in operations management.
Our software engineers also optimise SCADA for your wind turbine generator - they closely coordinate with the company's goals, localise problems in operations management and develop efficient solution algorithms - so that software and hardware fit each other perfectly, comparable to a tailor-made suit.
windwise - SCADA Control - Effective Process Control
Remote and Local
Control and Converter Development
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Continuous Adaptations to All Networks - Ideas and Solutions
In Canada, USA, Mexico and some northern states of South America as well as in Saudi Arabia, the grid frequency is 60Hz. In Europe, large parts of Asia, Australia, most of Africa and parts of South America, on the other hand, a grid frequency of 50 Hz is used. In Japan, both frequencies are still used in specific regions. This is probably due to historical reasons and standardisation is, as of today, no longer an option.
In a globalised world, the design of a wind turbine generator must be engineered in such a way that the wind power generated can be synchronised with the respective grid frequency in order to feed it into the grid. Technically, this is done in a inverter system.
Then there is the decision: Alternating current or direct current?
If electrical energy is transmitted over long distances, direct current transmission is uneconomical due to high transmission losses compared to alternating current transmission.
A good reason for windwise engineers to rely on alternating current technology for wind turbine generators.
In Abwägung der Vor- und Nachteile und basierend auf den langjährigen Erfahrungen von Elektro-Konstruktionen bei Windenergieanlagen, haben sich unsere windwise-Ingenieure bei der maxcap WEA für ein Design mit einem Vollumrichter entschieden.
This recently developed inverter system is designed for a nominal power of 2.3 MW.
The power of the maxcap WTG is adapted to the frequency and voltage requirements of the electrical grid via this full converter.
The "grid side" of the power inverter is equipped with IGBT semiconductors. With optimised control, this enables the compliance with a wide range of grid regulations.
The generator is constructed as an electrically driven synchronous machine. This is controlled via a so-called exciter machine. This means that the generator-side inverter can be designed as a passive diode rectifier and does not have to take on any control tasks. These diode components are far more robust than IGBT semiconductors and improve the overall electrical efficiency of the converter by a considerable 1%.
We will be very pleased to provide you with our technical expertise on international inverter and power grid issues on request.
windwise - a reliable Partner - also Worldwide!
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Augustastraße 47/49a
48153 Münster
E-mail: info@windwise.eu
Phone: +49.251.590 667 0