windwise ON AIR

Planning, News, Interviews - in Video Format

maxcap 141 - goes on the grid

Serienreportage für Social Media - Folge9

maxcap 141 - goes on the grid

We are proud to announce that our maxcap 141 is now successfully connected to the grid and is feeding 2.3 MW of nominal power into the grid!

The maxcap 141 is designed to produce more than 4000 full-load hours per year at onshore locations. 💪⚡ As a base load-optimised wind turbine, it makes a significant contribution to minimising the volatility of electricity generation and making the energy supply more sustainable. 🌱🔋

Another step towards a greener future! 💚

#Wind energy #RenewableEnergy #Sustainability #GreenEnergy #windwise #maxcap141 #Energy transition #Future


maxcap - The Rotor

Series Report for Social Media - Episode8

maxcap - The Rotor

🌪️ We defy all weathers! 💪
Our latest challenge, the assembly of the #maxcap, was far more than just a project - it turned out to be a battle against the whims of nature. Wind and rain, darkness and fog could not tame our thirst for action. 🌀🔦
As one team, we faced up to the adverse weather conditions and mastered the installation of the #maxcap with great aplomb.
Thanks especially to Team #Crane&Logistics und Team #windevo for your tireless efforts!
Special thanks also go to the #Gemeinde #Lienen and the #Kreis #Steinfurt for their great support during the approval process - an essential milestone for the installation of the base load-optimised Wind turbine #maxcap!


maxcap - The Drive train

Series Report for Social Media - Episode7

maxcap - The Drive train

🌬️💡 🌬️💡 The drive train is the heart of our #maxcap, converting the wind into usable energy. Our teams worked with precision and expertise at impressive heights to install the drive train safely and competently.
High up, where everyone is dependent on each other, the true strength of good teamwork is demonstrated. With this Wo:Menpower 👷‍♀️👷‍♂️ challenging projects in the wind energy sector can be successfully implemented!
🌫️ 🌫️ Spoiler alert: Today the rotor was pulled out and mounted on the #maxcap in thick fog. Keep an eye out for our final video, which we expect to publish this coming Friday - it's worth staying tuned!


maxcap - Lienen ready for the energy transission

Series Report for Social Media - Episode6

maxcap - Transport to Lienen

Series Report for Social Media - Episode5

maxcap - Transport to Lienen

There are only a few days when a wind turbine does not like wind, and that is when it is erected. 🌬️💨💡 Let's hope the wind takes a break on those days. 🌬️🙏 See you in Lienen...


maxcap - The countdown is on

Series Report for Social Media - Episode4

maxcap - The countdown is on

The first tower segment is ready! In week 45, the next segments, the nacelle and the rotor hub with the blades, will be assembled. Keep at it! 💨 #maxcap, #windwise


maxcap - Assembly at Bentec

Series Report for Social Media - Episode3

maxcap Assembly - things are moving forward

In Lienen, the foundation work for the tower has been completed. 🏗️🔩 Things are progressing at Bentec in the assembly: chain hoist, barrier mesh, safety mesh, mesh cable trays, power cable and roof cooler have been installed. Our engineers from #windwise set during the assembly of the prototype of the #maxcap on teamwork 💪⚙️ to make the project a success together with the Bentec assembly specialists.
Today, the casting of the rotor hub has been delivered. Over the next three weeks, the focus will be on assembling the blade bearings and pitch system. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! #maxcap #windwise #Teamwork #IngenieureAmWerk #Baustellenleben #LienenProjekt🏭


maxcap - Installation of the anchor cage for the tower

Series Report for Social Media - Episode2

Installation of the anchor cage for the maxcap in Lienen

Things are progressing: The anchor cage for the maxcap tower is in the installation phase and will be firmly anchored in the concrete this week. Daniel, our dedicated windwise project manager, is coordinating everything sovereign and professional 🙂 - we are on a good way!


maxcap - New Generation of Wind Turbine Generators

Series Report for Social Media - Episode1

Groundbreaking ceremony for maxcap in Lienen

Finally - we have been waiting so long now! Now it's starting, the maxcap will be built this year. Today is the ground-breaking ceremony, the maize has been cut and the excavators are paving the access road. We from the windwise team are looking forward to it - and will keep you up to date...


Impressions of windwise at WindEnergy2022

WindEnergy Exhibition 2022 in Hamburg

Als Aussteller und Newcomer auf der WindEnergy2022 haben die windwise-Ingenieure sehr viel Positives von der Messe mitgenommen. Wir haben viele intensive Gespräche mit neuen Interessenten zu unserem laufenden Projekt „maxcap” und unserem Geschäftsfeld “Weiterbetrieb 20+“ geführt. 

International visitors in particular focused on questions about cooperation opportunities and licensing. Initiated not least by the current energy crisis in Germany and Europe, there was an unusually high level of interest from German/European customers in the topic of "self-supply of electricity" and "project development for one's own wind turbine". 


windwise goes WindEnergy 2022

WindEnergy Exhibition 2022 in Hamburg

We will be there from 27.09. to 30.09.!


maxcap - New Generation of Wind Turbine Generators

current TV Broadcasts

Project planning in Lienen

Als Experte für Windenergie ist Prof. Dr. Peter Vennemann, Fachhochschule Münster, zum Studiogespräch ins WDR-Studio eingeladen worden. Er kommentiert den zuvor gesendeten Beitrag “Windkraft-Revolution in Lienen”.

Wind Power Revolution in Lienen

Benno Sandmann and Markus Becker, our managing directors, in an interview with WDR editor Markus Wollnik.

maxcap - New Generation of Wind Turbine Generators

Expertise Report Lifetime Extension 20+

Analyse potential - using Resources sustainably

We are a member of the BWE and authorised as experts by the BWE.

windwise - Portfolio